
Jen Rubin’s Green Room

Duty To Warn with John Gartner

March 27, 2024

In This Episode:

Jen welcomes psychotherapist John Gartner to discuss the history of the psychiatric profession’s involvement in our elections and why the Goldwater Rule should not stand in the way of its duty to warn us about Trump’s decline into dementia.  They lay out how he presents symptoms of cognitive issues in line with DSM criteria by analyzing his patterns of speech, the repeated confusion of dates and names, and his uncontrolled movements.  As part of their analysis, they explain how the media has gaslit the country by normalizing his mental state while pathologizing Joe Biden’s age typical behavior.  Will a massive public information campaign be enough to educate the country about the dangers Donald poses if he wins in 2024?

Get More From This Week’s Guest:

John Gartner: Duty2Warn Twitter | Change.org Petition | Bio | Author 

Mentioned On The Show:

From The Baltimore Sun: John Gartner, Baltimore psychologist, takes his ‘duty to warn’ about Trump to film

#Untruth Film

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