
How the Heck Are We Gonna Get Along

Russia, Russia, Russia

July 30, 2020

In This Episode:

“Russia,Russia, Russia”: Anne Applebaum And David Corn Discuss Russian Interference In This Year’s Election.

Clay is joined by Anne Applebaum and David Corn for a deep dive into the ambitions and intrigue of the world’s authoritarians as they position themselves to take advantage of our weaknesses.  Are we doing enough to stand up for our values? And if Putin is determined to interfere in 2020, can we stop him?

Moderator Clay Aiken has sold 6 million albums, authored a New York Times bestseller, and ran for Congress in North Carolina in 2014.

David Corn is the D.C. bureau chief of Mother Jones, MSNBC analyst, and the author of six books, the latest (with Michael Isikioff) is a New York Times No. 1 best-seller, Russian Roulette.

Anne Applebaum is a staff writer at The Atlantic and senior fellow at Johns Hopkins School of International Affairs, a Pulitzer prize winning author whose newest  book is Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism. You can find more about her via her website.

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