Joyelle Johnson
We can all use an overabundance of Joy in our lives, which is exactly what this lovely lady brings to the stage. As an adult, Joyelle Nicole prides herself on being the nerd she was ashamed of growing up. Subsequently, her writing includes an extensive vocabulary (that had her shunned by lesser mortals as a child) combined with a worldly perspective (due to her inability to sit still).
Onstage, Joyelle talks about her life. After growing up in the suburbs of NJ and being ridiculed for enrollment in both Band and Asthma Camp, she attended Boston College. Upon graduation she moved to LA and commenced a comedy pursuit which has taken her around the world.
Presently residing in Brooklyn, Joyelle is proud to have safely relocated from the housing projects of Bensonhurst where she heard gunshots all times of to the renovated but not yet gentrified Crown Heights. Thusly, she has performed all over NY and the surrounding areas.
Honored to be a reliable opener, her comedic dream came true when she was asked by her idol, Dave Chappelle, to open for him in Little rock and Atlanta. She’s featured the most for Hannibal Buress and her largest audience to date was opening for Russell Peters at the Borgata Casino in front of 3,700. Touring with Maria Bamford even garnered her an honorable mention in the failing New York Times and a review by The Laugh Button.
Highlights of her career include being chosen as a semi-finalist in Vancouver, BC for NBC’s Stand Up for Diversity showcase which lead to NBC following her to LA to perform as a top ten finalist in the competition. From performing at festivals like Sketchfest, Bonnaroo and Bumbershoot, to making her television debut on Wyatt Cenac’s Night Train for SeeSo, Joyelle has a lot to look forward to with this track record. Time Out NY told everyone why they loved her. At the close of the Incessant Depression that was 2016 she reached comedy mecca becoming a regular at the world famous Comedy Cellar. Performing at every comic’s fantasy venue spawned another article from the failing New York Times.
Joyelle’s comedic trinity considers George Carlin the father, Dave Chappelle the son, and Chris Rock the Holy Ghost. Comedy is her religion, and healing people through laughter renews her faith every time she hits a stage both urban and mainstream alike.