
Lou Diamond Phillips

Lou Diamond Phillips recently starred on the acclaimed Netflix series, “Longmire,” based on the Walt Longmire mystery novels by Craig Johnson. He received an Emmy nomination for “Outstanding Actor in a Short Form Drama or Comedy” for his role in the History Channel’s “Crossroads of History.” Other recent credits include Amazon’s “Goliath,” FX’s “You’re the Worst,” and recurring roles on Fox’s “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” and Netflix’s “The Ranch.”

Recent film credits include Warner Brothers’ “The 33,” “Created Equal” directed by Bill Duke, and Sundance Festival favorite “Filly Brown,” for which he was named Best Actor at the Imagen Awards.

As a director, Phillips recently helmed episodes of AMC’s hit series “Fear the Walking Dead” and “Longmire.”

Originally born in the Philippines, Phillips was raised in Texas and is a graduate of University of Texas at Arlington with a BFA in Drama.