Norman Golightly
Norman Golightly is the CEO and Founder of “Is it Funny or Offensive?” — a social media company focused on humor and its inherent boundaries and complications. In just two years of existence, the platform has gained over a million followers on Facebook and is rapidly becoming the epicenter for intelligent debate about humor. Before founding IsItFunnyorOffensive.com, Golightly spent the bulk of his career in Hollywood. A graduate of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Golightly held positions with Creative Artists Agency and Ben Stiller prior to partnering with Academy Award Winner Nicolas Cage. In his twelve year run as President of Cage’s Saturn Films, Golightly produced over a dozen feature film and television projects including “Lord of War,” “Knowing,” and “Ghost Rider.” He is currently completing his first nonfiction book, entitled “When I Do Good” – an account of his personal journey through both opulent Hollywood and poverty-stricken Africa, revealing his own life lessons supported by his research into the biology and psychology of altruism. Norman has also spent many years volunteering as a mentor to inner-city youth through the renowned Fulfillment Fund.
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