
Politically Punny

How We Got Started

Hi! I am a Mother of three, school nurse, hospice nurse, camp nurse, and I have a love of making and selling ANYTHING. I was born into a family with the same love, so the making and selling is in my blood!

Before you you read my story I have to brag about my appearance on “The Daily Show” here is the link if you missed it! –http://www.cc.com/video-clips/096kl4/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah-sexism-sells–building-a-brand-with-misogynistic-political-humor

My family owns and operates a screen printing and embroidery business in St. Louis, Mo. You can read about them here http://www.bowlingshirt.com/about/ if you want……..

When the internet came along whoaaaaa there was a place to sell THINGS, ANYTHING, right from your living room.

I have always been very opinionated especially when it comes to current events and politics. Yes the things you are never to discuss at a dinner party RELIGION and POLITICS, I like to jump right in. Bush was taking the country into a nosedive and the political climate was getting rough, I was there to bring some humor to the situation. I had access to be able to make t-shirts with funny pictures right from the internet .Nurse by day T-shirt maker by night!

When Obama came along again it was an easy sell people were hungry for merchandise. This time however I came across a button maker in the back of the family factory, Obama came to St. Louis while campaigning, I called the city to apply for a vendors license- guess what? NO LICENSE NEEDED! I packed up my Husband, Mother, Child#1, and all the t-shirts I could get made in the next 2 hours. I think I will take the button maker too. No better way to show a product is made in America then having your mother make them as people wait.

I had hung up the political sales for awhile as Obama settled in and Bush had disappeared.

Fast Forward TRUMP and CLINTON are you kidding me? I don’t care how busy I am or how much I have to do this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! I found the button maker, disrupted my brother at work and got busy. My skills all came flooding back. List on Ebay, List on Etsy, build a website, make and sell your stuff!


I have sold much more than political merchandise over the years I have even had a run in with MLB( you can read about that here http://www.reuters.com/article/us-baseball-series-shirt-idUSN2625515020061027) ……..


Politics is something I am passionate about, selling is fun, A nurse is what I wanted to be and do with great joy everyday, and being a Mom, well its the most important and rewarding job that I have!!!!!