How the Heck Are We Gonna Get Along
Minnesota Goddamn
June 4, 2020
In This Episode:
Michael Steele, Touré, Amy Holmes, and Shermichael Singleton discuss the terrible divisions facing our country and how we can move forward.
Clay Aiken has sold 6 million albums, authored a New York Times bestseller, and ran for Congress in North Carolina in 2014.
Michael Steele is the former RNC Chairman, former Lt. Governor of Maryland, political analyst for MSNBC, and the host of The Michael Steele Podcast.
Toure’ hosts The Toure’ Show and the Democracy-ish Podcast with Danielle Moody.
Amy Holmes is the co-host of PBS’ ‘In Principle’ and a columnist for Die Weltwoche.
Shermichael Singleton is a political strategist, former contributing host of Vox’s Consider It, and host of the brand new podcast Speak Easy, coming soon from Ricochet Podcasts.